TIPS: Working from Home (WFH) Wellness, Connection & Personal Branding Over Video Conference
Working from home used to be so much fun – when you had the choice…not because you have to.
I don’t know about you, but everything feels very surreal. Like nothing I’ve experienced in my lifetime. The energy around COVID-19 feels understandably fearful and greedy, and if we don’t manage ourselves, it will be destructive personally and globally.
It’s time for ultimate self-care to ensure mind, body, and spirit health so that we can support ourselves and those around you.
Following are two simple, practical videos to get us back to basics. In all the uncertainty, we seem to forgotten our foundations.
And check out the end of this post (or click the following links) for my Reality Alchemist Podcast Episode #6 – From Chao犀利士
s to Calm – Thriving in Uncertain Times and MINDFULNESS AUDIO – ‘I AM’ & Coming Home: Energy Expression & Consolidation.
Wellness Practices So Obvious, Yet We’re Not Doing Them
It’s time for ultimate self-care. Yet, all I hear from clients is that they feel tired, sore, achy, overwhelmed, and for some reason have forgotten their wellness routines.
This video offers five reminders – be kind to yourself.
One of the tips in the above video is to stretch often. Here are two of my favorite videos to do that to. Otherwise, I just get on my yoga mat and do what my body tells me to do 🐌. And I realized that:
“My life is as limber as my body is. Invest time in S-T-R-E-T-C-H-ing”
Connecting Over Video Conference
The number of times I’ve run and/or attended video conference sessions that have started late because of the technology. Now that we’re WFH, we don’t have the corporate tech power behind us, such as it was, which makes it even more challenging to truly connect.
We can’t see people’s faces and can hardly hear them at times. They’re often multi-tasking, on their computers and doing other work.
Personally, I’ve done keynotes with hundreds in remote audiences, ran training sessions to teams all over the worlds and quite honestly, I don’t feel a separation because I’m not in their location.
Believe it or not, social media, has caused a disconnection, and what we’re experiencing now has taken it to a whole other level. We’re not sure how long this situation will go on for, and I feel like its really important we amplify relationships.
In this video I give you three tips to:
- Support your personal brand; you have one, it’s either intentional or unintentional, you choose. And hopefully during this time your ‘brand’ is infused with kindness, support and encouragement.
- Give your home tech a fighting chance, including managing noise, and
- Avoid embarrassing desktop notifications, you may not want to share onscreen 😉. Here are the Mac and PC resources I mentioned in the video to turn off notifications. And this app works on both operating systems.
Podcast & Mindfulness Practice
🎧 From Chaos to Calm – Thriving in Uncertain Times
How do we stay calm in the chaos of life & COVID-19? This episode offers tips & practices to help you chill-ax no matter what the situation. Click here to listen.
🧘 MINDFULNESS AUDIO – ‘I AM’ & Coming Home Energy Expression & Consolidation
State who you really are with this I AM process partnered with the opportunity to bring your energy back into wholeness. Click cover to access.
🏘️ And for a bit of fun…
If you haven’t seen this parody on video conferencing and emails in ‘real life’ by Tripp and Tyler, it’s worth a watch as it made me literally laugh out loud as it’s so accurate.
🏘️ Have WFH suggestions?
Please include them in my video’s comments on YouTube so I can add them to this Post and share your value.