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Not knowing your core values can lead to indecision, unfulfilling choices, and a lack of direction. Unlock your authentic self with our free Value of Values practice and PlaybookJoin Over 140,000 People in 29 Countries! 


I Navigate My Life According to My Values

My top three prioritized values are:

  1. Love
  2. Abundance
  3. Freedom

I use them every day to navigate life and make choices.

I Have PhD in


OK, my real PhD is in clinical hypnotherapy. But I have a gift of seeing into people’s essence and all the potential that comes with it. That’s why my clients appreciate me, because I’m their biggest cheerleader when they don’t believe in themselves.

I also apply the same lens to relationships which means I sometimes fall in love with potential which isn’t anchored in reality – but I’m getting better.

Friends Are Family

I have a very small immediate family. It’s just my mom and me as my dad passed away in October 2017.

Friends are my extended family. I enjoy intimate, authentic, deep connections and I’ve never been one to have a million acquaintances.

I’m Pretty


There’s a perception that I’m a ‘party girl’ but the fact is I’m very introverted*. When I come home I just want to hang out with my fur-babies and when I occasionally put the TV on, it rarely gets past a few minutes of what I’ve recorded before I get distracted.

I don’t drink alcohol (I’d rather eat my calories, than drink them), plus I had a stint in advertising in my 20s and think I got it out of my system.

I don’t drink coffee and rarely eat red meat.

People say, “Oh, you’re sooooo healthy!” Not at all, I just don’t have a palette for any of it.

As I said, my idea of an awesome time is catching up with friends. Especially one-on-one.

* There’s a common misconception about the definition of ‘introvert’ and ‘extravert’. Most think introverts are shy and quiet and extraverts are out-going and loud. Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, Ph.D, expresses it accurately, “The introvert gets their energy from within, while the extrovert is charged up by people, places and stimuli outside of them.”


Beach Getaways Are ‘My Thing’

For someone who isn’t keen on wearing a swimsuit I LOVE beach vacations. There is something magical about the water that I really connect with. I’ve been fortunate to visit beautiful locations in Australia, Bahamas, Bali, Cook Islands, Fiji, Greece, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Tahiti, Thailand, United States and Vanuatu.

I’m a Typical


I Love, Love

I’ve often been asked if I’d get married again and people are surprised when I answer with an enthusiastic, “Of course I would!!!”

I love, love, being someone’s wife and letting my man be the man. That often shocks them because they see me as some sort of superwoman but that’s in my purpose-driven work. I adore just hanging out with My Love and I’m quite traditional in many ways. I know the more I love him, the more he flourishes and anchors me so I can truly shine.

I love holding hands, cuddling, connecting mind, body and soul.

I Think Life is Supposed to be Fun, Easy and Flowing​

And when it’s not, I have to question the lessons in what’s blocking me.

Every morning I program my brain by setting that intention – it’s like being a manifestation magician.

I’m Totally in Love with My Fur-Babies

My cat and dogs are my children. The biggest gift they’ve given, and taught me, is unconditional love. Some have passed, but all remain forever imprinted in my heart.

I Used to HATE Exercise but Have Found Something I Crave

I used to be one of those people who would do two aerobics classes one after the other, walk 10 kms, have a personal trainer. My approach was, all…or nothing. I loved the way it made me feel, but my motivation struggled. Plus, it didn’t help that I was ALWAYS doing it for weight loss.

Now that I’m in my ‘right sized’ body, I’ve fallen in love with Gyrontonic, Pilates reformer, Barre and Yin yoga. So much so that I actually crave it – who would have thought?!!!

I’m One of the Few People…

– I don’t like baths and prefers showers – what’s the point of sitting in dirty, tepid water?
– I prefer L.A. over San Fran
– I don’t like hot drinks – if I’m really cold I might have a sugar-free hot chocolate – party on!
– Plastic buttons make me feel funny. I can’t stand the touch, or looking at them – I know, it’s weird

I’m a Commitment-Phobe

But not in the way you may think. When it comes to romantic love, friendships and social commitments I’m incredibly loyal and focused long-term.

It’s when it comes to my diary, I’m usually so over-booked, that I’m reluctant to take on a 10-week course or commit to something too far in advance as I’m never quite sure where I’ll be in my life. Often when it comes to that time I have to change plans because I’ve got work commitments or traveling.

I’m a Library and Data Nerd

This library aspect follows on from being a commitment-phobe. I love going to the library and borrowing diverse topics. If I don’t love it, then I can move on to the next.

Although I have hundreds of eBooks, I’m still a fan of paperbacks.

The data side of me, I love numbers that tell a story, it stems from my marketing background. Even if I have an awesome idea, I do surveys so I know how I can best be of service.

Going to a Warehouse Mall is Like Christmas

If I know I’m going to a discount outlet I’m like a kid on Christmas Eve!!! My favourite is Woodbury Common Premium Outlet in Central Valley, New York, closely followed by Camarillo in California. When I’m at home I go to DFO in Sydney, not as exciting, but it gives me my hit!

I also have a ‘technique’ which Ivana, my friend of 25 years, discovered at Camarillo. I like to efficiently scan every store and then go back to buy. Just when she thought we were done after six hours, I spent another few hours on round-two. Shopping sprees with me take committed training!

Oh, and I also love ‘de-tagging’ – taking all the tags and packaging off.

Of course, I’m an avid online bargain shopper too, probably has something to do with my Capricorn trait of ‘affordable, quality luxury’. My favourite sites are: TheRealReal and of course eBay.

I Don’t Meditate

Well, not in the traditional sense. I used to, so I trained my mind and energy to ‘ease’. Now, I can receive inspiration onto a blank slate and not a monkey-mind. My best insights come from walking outdoors and spending time at the beach.

I have a free 15-minute meditation to help you relax and reconnect.

I Love Food

From fine dining to the local Indian takeout. Food also means friends to me, but occasionally we decide to have a playdate that doesn’t revolve around a knife and fork and go to the movies or for a walk.

I’ve had many amazing experiences but my all-time favourite restaurants are Catalina and Bar Reggio in Sydney, Rosetta Ristorante in Melbourne, Australia, MÉTIS in Seminyak, Bali and an awesome wine bar (not so much for the drinks but the meat and cheese board that came with it) in Bellagio, Italy.

Sure, the food is great, but it’s the memories I cherish!

I love food so much I love to play the ‘food room’ game from time-to-time. “If you had a room full of food you could only eat for the rest of your life what would be in it?” Here’s what’s in mine:

– Penne marinara, super saucy with chilli, but no mussels, oysters, pippisetc.
– Pizza of any sort, with extra tomato sauce on a Neapolitan crust
– My mom’s lasagne
– Anything on Catalina’s menu
– Salad – I CRAVE it. Fruit – meh, not that fussed
– Any type of fried potato – ideally chips and French fries with ketchup (yes, there is a difference between that and ‘tomato sauce’, which is more vinegary, ketchup is more tomato-ey)
– Diet Vanilla Coke (I don’t want to hear a word!)
– Sparkling mineral water with a lime wedge
– A platter – overcomes food FOMO as I love a bit of everything; cheese, dips, tapas, meze, dessert
– Chocolate zucchini brownies
– Chocolate layer cake
– Lolly mixes

Paradox – I’m Patient and Impatient

When it comes to love and ambitions, I’ll patiently and purposefully commit to the optimum outcome.

Put me in a line that’s long or moving slowly, I turn into a Mexican jumping bean.
