Visualization vs Actualization – Are You Anchoring or Sabotaging Your Success?

Talk about a match made in heaven when Shannon Bush and I connected. She’s the publisher of Limitlessly YOU! Magazine and host of Creative Possibility – The Limitless Life Radio Show. Click on the links below to gain access to my article, Visualization vs Actualization – Are You Anchoring or Sabotaging Your Success?, and listen […]

How Goal Setting Sabotages Your Success

“Goal setting is often considered an important contributor to achieving your ambitions but for many they are limiting”, says Dr. Madisen Harper, author of limitLESS – 10 Energy Excelerators to Access Your Infinite Potential. Since childhood we have been taught the importance of goals from kicking goals during a soccer game in order to ‘win’ […]

‘Fix’ vs ‘Flow’

As you know a big part of accessing your limitLESS™ potential is tapping into your Inner Guru which is connected to infinite Universal wisdom. The other day I was tuning in and had the most amazing realization about ‘fix’ vs ‘flow’ when it comes to obtaining our desires. When we try to ‘fix’ something in […]

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